CMM2 User Manual v5.06.00 by Geoff Graham (DOCS, updated 16-02-2021 11:25:40) UPDATE
Most important guide for any CMM2 owner
Most important guide for any CMM2 owner
This is USER GUIDE for last official firmware for CMM2.
Graphics Programming on the CMM2 3f by Doug Pankhurst (panky) (GRAPHICS/DOCS, updated 13-02-2023 01:51:19) UPDATE
A detailed tutorial on the graphics capabilities of the Color Maximite 2.
A detailed tutorial on the graphics capabilities of the Color Maximite 2.
This is a compilation of the threads posted by Peter Mather as a background and deeper explanation of the graphics
capabilities of the CMM2. I have taken the liberty (with Peters OK), to post them on the forum with some additional
comments and explanations of recent developments in the hope that they will assist others in realising the full potential
of the CMM2.
capabilities of the CMM2. I have taken the liberty (with Peters OK), to post them on the forum with some additional
comments and explanations of recent developments in the hope that they will assist others in realising the full potential
of the CMM2.

Gutenberg 0.95 by Geoff Camp (Goksteroo) (GENERAL/DOCS, updated 02-11-2021 02:14:44) UPDATE
Text eBook reader
Text eBook reader
A simplish(?) text based eBook reader with 59 books from Gutenberg' library. Works well in most/all resolution/font combinations. Colour schemes selectable, book width on screen selectable, read place saved, read one page at a time or flip through book. Percent of book displayed as is save position.
V.95 resolves some bugs due to the way the MODE command works with fonts and clearing of screen. Easier editing for menu and reading mode/font. Colour schemes are now an .inc file for easier editing. Book files remain the same - instructions/license file updated (gutenberg.txt).
V.95 resolves some bugs due to the way the MODE command works with fonts and clearing of screen. Easier editing for menu and reading mode/font. Colour schemes are now an .inc file for easier editing. Book files remain the same - instructions/license file updated (gutenberg.txt).

Isolation Jokes 1.0 by Geoff Camp (Goksteroo) (GENERAL/DOCS, updated 23-06-2021 10:04:15) UPDATE
Just for fun
Just for fun
Short program to load/display jokes to help through these social isolation times. A little laughter helps, and just putting joke file together has helped with my sanity. Currently there are 948 jokes included. Full instructions are in the archive.
MMBasic Online Manual by Jim Hiley (DOCS, updated 16-02-2021 12:25:03) UPDATE
Covers all variants of MMBasic in one integrated online lookup tool
Covers all variants of MMBasic in one integrated online lookup tool
This MMBasic syntax help system is based heavily on the MMBasic user manuals.
It is intended as a quick reference only and not a tutorial on programming with MMBasic.
With MMBasic it is easy to write a one or two line program to test a command and that is the preferred way of learning (by doing).

NoClue v1.0 by Geoff Camp (Goksteroo) (GENERAL/TOOL/DOCS, updated 13-11-2021 12:46:58) UPDATE
Crossword Assistant
Crossword Assistant
A little programme to find crossword solutions with minimal pre-solved letters. Input any known letters from the word you're looking for (3 to 20 letters). The 661,485 word and phrases dictionary will be searched for any matching patterns and the results shown. The word lists have been obtained by combining many freely available lists of crossword answers. The lists are plain text files and can be added to with any text editor.
Programming with the Colour Maximite 2 by Geoff Graham (DOCS, updated 16-02-2021 12:10:01) UPDATE
Introduction to CMM2 programming
Introduction to CMM2 programming
A tutorial covering the Colour Maximite 2 and programming in the BASIC language.